About Ab Etching
No matter how many crunches, planks, and other core exercises some people perform, they will never be able to get well-defined, washboard abs because of a stubborn layer of fat covering the muscles. This fat is often caused by genetics and is almost impossible to eliminate on your own, which can be frustrating. Abdominal etching (also known as ab etch) uses liposculpture (a more detailed version of surgical liposuction) to remove fat that is resistant to diet and exercise while emphasizing the lines of the stomach muscles. Abdominal etching is ideal for men and women who are fit and toned overall, they simply need a little extra help to reveal their six pack. If you are interested in ab etching, call Lee Plastic Surgery and Laser Center in Port St. Lucie, FL to schedule a consult with plastic surgeon Dr. S. Darrell Lee to learn more.
Ideal Candidates
Ab etching is best for patients who are close to a six pack, but have stubborn pockets of fat. The ideal candidate will have:
- Less than 18% total body fat
- Well-toned abdominal muscles
- Tried a healthy diet and exercise
- A healthy, stable weight
Abdominal Etching Reviews
Surgical Technique
Abdominal etching is usually performed as an outpatient procedure in about one hour with the patient under local or general anesthesia. The surgeon will clean the abdominal area and outline the muscles to use as guides during the surgery. Small incisions are made in inconspicuous areas, like the navel and the natural skin creases to allow a thin liposuction cannula under the skin. The surgeon will carefully remove fat to enhance the muscle lines and any stubborn pockets of fat to get a smooth contour. The incisions will be closed and the patient will be put in a compression garment to speed their healing process, which should only be removed for bathing. Patients should limit movement, including exercise and lifting anything over ten pounds until they are cleared by their doctor.
What to Expect
After following the surgeon’s recovery instructions, patients should begin to see their final results six months after their surgery when the swelling is gone and the body has fully healed. Patient’s should have long-lasting results as long as they maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise. Natural aging will continue, which may cause loose, sagging skin that can be removed with an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck).

Get Your Six Pack
If endless crunches, hours of cardio, and a healthy diet still can’t remove the layer of fat that’s hiding your abdominal muscles and keeping you from having washboard abs, schedule a consultation to learn more about abdominal etching. Dr. Lee will be happy to sit down with you to discuss all the details and make a recommendation of what may work best for you. The results will enhance and define your muscles for a chiseled “six pack."